Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/124

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This the cold Evening warm'd of Vasco's age;
He shin'd like scorching Noon in Borgio's looks,
Who kindled all about him with his rage,
And worse the Triumph than the Conquest brooks.

The Troops (astonish'd with their Leaders fate)
The horrour first with silence entertain;
With loud impatience than for Borgio wait,
And next with one confusion all complain.

Whom thus he urg'd! Prince Oswald did command
We should remove far from the Combat's list;
And there like unconcern'd Spectatours stand,
Justly restrain'd to hinder or assist.

This (Patient Friends!) we dully have obay'd;
A temp'rance which he never taught before,
But though alive he could forbid our aid,
Yet dead, he leaves revenge within our pow'r.