Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/128

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This utter'd was with so supream a grace,
That ev'ry heart it empty'd, and did raise
Life's chiefest blood in valour to the Face,
Which made such beauty as the Foe did praise.

Yet 'twas Ambition's praise, which but approves
Those whom through envy it would fain subdue;
Likes others honour, but her own so loves,
She thinks all others Trophies are her due.

For Hubert now (though void of strength as fear)
Advanc'd the first Division fast and far;
Bold Borgio with the next attends his Rear,
The Third was left to Vasco's steddy care.

The Duke still watch'd when each Divisions space
Grew wide, that he might his more open spred;
His own brave conduct did the foremost grace,
The next the Count, the third true Tybalt led.

A forward fashion he did wear a while,
As if the Charge he would with fury meet;
That he their forward fury might beguil,
And urge them past redemption by retreat.

But when with Launces couch'd they ready were,
And their thick Front (which added Files in large)
With their ply'd spurs kept time in a Career,
Those soon were vanish'd whom they meant to charge.

The Duke by flight his Manhood thus and force
Reserv'd, and to his skill made Valour yield,
Did seem to blush, that he must lead his Horse
To lose a little ground, to gain the Field.
