Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/130

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For he advancing saw (which much him griev'd)
That in the fairest Region of the Face,
He two wide wounds from Borgio had receiv'd;
His beauties blemish, but his valours grace.

Now cry'd the Duke, strive timely for renown!
Thy Age will kiss those wounds thy Youth may loath;
Be not dismaid to see thy beautie gone;
My Sister's thine, who has enough for both.

Then soon the Youth, Death as an honour gave
To one that Strove to rescue Borgio's life;
Yet Borgio had dispatch'd him to his grave,
Had Gondibert stood neutral in the Strife:

Who with his sword (disdaining now to stay
And see the bloud he lov'd so rudely spilt)
Pierc't a bold Lombard who imbarr'd his way;
Even till his heart did beat against his Hilt.

Timely old Vasco came to Borgio's aid;
Whose long experienc'd Arm wrought sure and fast;
His rising oppositions level laid,
And miss'd no execution by his haste.

And timely where the bleeding Count now fought,
And where the Duke with Number was opprest,
Resistless Tybalt came, who Borgio sought,
But here with many Borgios did contest.

As Tides, that from their sev'ral Channels haste,
Assemble rudely in th' Ubæan Bay,
And meeting there to indistinction waste,
Strive to proceed, and force each others stay.
