Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/132

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These scars thou needst not from my Sister hide;
For as our Father, in brave battel lost,
She first did name with sorrow, then with pride,
Thy beauties loss she'l mourn and after boast.

Mine are but Love's false wounds (said Hurgonil)
To what you Vasco gave; for I must grieve
My strength of honour could not Vasco kill,
That honour lost, yet I have strength to live.

But now behold vex'd Hubert, who in all
This battel was by ready conduct known,
And though unarm'd, and his spent force so small
He could to none bring death, yet sought his own:

And ev'ry where, where Rallies made a Gross
He charg'd; and now with last reserves he try'd
His too slow fate from Gondibert to force,
Where he was Victor and where Vasco dy'd.

The Duke (in Honours School exactly bred)
Would not that this defenceless Prince should be
Involv'd with those, whom he to dying led,
Therefore ordain'd him still from slaughter free.

And now his pow'r did gently make him know,
That he must keep his life, and quit the cause;
More Pris'ner to him self than to his Foe,
For life within himself in Prison was.

His fierce Assistance did not quit the Field,
Till forward marks declar'd they fairly fought;
And then they all with sullen slowness yield;
Vex'd they had found what vain Revenge had sought.
