Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/158

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Not that your message, Truth they disesteem,
Or think it comes from any other way,
But that they Taxes hate, and Truth does seem
Brought as a Tax, when they the Bringers pay.

Thus we to Beasts, fall from our noble kind,
Making our Pastur'd Bodies all our care;
Allowing no subsistence to the Mind,
For Truth we grudge her as a costly fare.

But if they fear (since daily you renew
Disputes) your Oracles are doubtfull still
As those of old; yet more reward is due
To pains, where so uneasie is the skill.

Or if no skill they think it, but suppose
'Tis Faith (& Faith ne'r thinks Heav'n's height too high
Yet Faiths so sev'ral be, that few are those
Can chuse right wings, when they to Heav'n would flie.

Or if they think, Faith humane help transcends,
And to your Science is so strict a bound
As Death to Valour is, where daring ends;
And none are farthest in that Progress found;

Yet in our walk to our last home design'd,
'Tis safe by all the study'd Guides to go;
Lest we in death, too late, the knowledge find
Of what in life 'twas possible to know.

Your Pomp, by which your Pow'r in count'nance dures,
Though costly, costs much less than Camps or Laws;
And more than both, Religion us secures;
Since Hell (your Prison) more than dying aws.
