Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/168

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Still may your beauty bear that ancient rate,
Which beautie was chaste Honours Merchandice;
When Valor was chief Factor in Love's State;
Danger, Love's stamp, and Beautie's currant price.

Renown'd be Oswald, who in high belief
Of Rhodalind, her love with danger sought;
In Love's Records be Gondibert the chief,
Who for her right, not for his own has sought.

Though these for mighty minds deserve Fame's voice;
Yet Orna needs must boast of Hurgonil;
Whose dangers well have justifi'd her choice,
And might alone Fame's publick Trumpet fill.

Enlarg'd be Honor's Throne, that Arnold there
And Hugo may for ever sit and rest,
Free from their Valor's toyls, and Laura's fear;
Which more than wounds disorder'd eithers Breast.

This said, he paws'd; finds each distrusts his art;
For Hope and Doubt came and return'd apace,
In chang'd Complexion from th'uncertain heart,
Like frighted Scowts for Tidings to the Face.

His Eie seem'd most imploy'd on Rhodalind;
Whose love above her bashful caution sways;
For naming Gondibert, he soon did find,
Her secret Soul shew'd pleasure at his praise.

Yet when she found her comforts did not last,
And that as Oracles, the future taught
He hid Truth's Face, and darkned what was past;
Thus Truth through all her mourning Vails she sought.
