Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/170

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Now Laura's blood back to her liver fled;
True Beautie's Mint: For by her Heart, Love's Throne,
Beautie's call'd in, like Coyn, when Kings are dead
As if not currant, now her Lover's gone.

And like her beauty, she had darkned life,
But that with sprinkled water they restore
(By sudden cold, with sudden heat at strife)
Her spirits to those walks they us'd before.

She Arnold calls, then lost that name again,
Which Rhodalind, and Orna's tears bemone,
Who busily would her spent strength sustain,
Though Hope has scarcely yet brought back their own.

Now they her Temples chaf'd, and straight prepare
Hot Eastern Fumes to reach her Brains cool'd sence;
With Wine's fierce spirits these extracted are,
Which warm but slowly, though of swift expence.

Yet now again she breath'd Lord Arnold's name,
Which her apt Tongue through custom best exprest;
Then to stay Life, that so unwilling came,
With Cordial Epithems they bath'd her breast.

Th' attendant Maids, by Tybalt's ready aid,
To stop her Mourners tears, convey her now
Where she may ease in her own Curtain's shade
Her weary heart, and grief more Tongue allow.

No sooner was this pity'd Laura gone,
But Oswald's sister, Gartha the renown'd!
Enters, as if the world were overthrown,
Or in the tears of the afflicted drown'd.
