Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/180

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For Gondibert (to whom the Court must bow,
Now War is with your Fav'rite overthrown)
Will by his Camp of Boys at Bergamo,
Wed her, who to your Valour ows the Crown.

Blame not your Chief for his ambitious fire;
Who was but temp'rate, when he understood
He might the Empire in your right require;
The scant reward of your exhausted bloud.

Thus Hubert spake, but now so fierce they grow,
That Borgio strove to quench whom Hubert warm'd;
To Bergamo, they cry'd, to Bergamo!
And as they soon were vex'd, as soon are arm'd.

For to distinct and spacions Tents they hie,
Where quick as Vests of Persia shifted are,
Their Arms (which there in cleanly order lie)
They take from moving Ward-robes of the War.

Arm'd soon as Porquipins! as if like those,
Their very rage them with defence supplies;
As born with it, and must have winged Foes
That stoop from Heav'n to harm them by surprise.

With Ensigns now display'd, there Force they draw
To hastie order, and begin to move;
But are amus'd by something that they saw,
Which look'd like all that ere they heard of Love.

Unusual to their Camp such objects were,
Yet this no ill effect from wonder wrought;
For it appeas'd them by approching near,
And satisfi'd their Eyes in all they sought.
