Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/187

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an Heroick Poem.
And never will I (though by Time supply'd
With such discretion as does Man improve)
To shew discretion, wiser Nature hide,
By seeming now asham'd to say I love.

For Love his pow'r has in grey Senates shown,
Where he, as to green Courts, does freely come▪
And though loud youth, his visits makes more known,
With graver Age he's privately at home.

Scarce Greece, or greater Rome a Victor shows,
Whom more victorious Love did not subdue;
Then blame not me who am so weak to those;
Whilst Gartha all exceeds, that ere they knew.

Hope (Love's first food) I ne'r till now did know;
Which Love, as yet but temp'rately devours,
And claims not love for love, since Gartha so
For Autumn Leaves, should barter Summer Flowers.

I dare not vainly wish her to be kind,
Till for her love, my Arts and Pow'r bestow
The Crown on thee, adorn'd with Rhodalind;
Which yet for Gartha is a price too low.

This said, he paws'd; and now the hectick heat
Of Oswald's blood, doubled their Pulses pace;
Which high, as if they would be heard, did beat,
And hot Ambition shin'd in eithers face.

For Hermegild they knew could much out-doe
His words, and did possess great Aribert,
Not in the Courts cheap Glass of civil show,
But by a study'd Tenure of the heart.
