Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/245

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The Third Book.

Written by the Authour during his Imprisonment.

CANTO the First.

The Argument.
The People, left by Gartha, leave to mourn;
And worship Hermegild for her return.
The wounded Hurgonil by Orna cur'd;
Their loyal loves by marriage plight assur'd.
In Laura's hasty change, Love's pow'r appears,
And Tybalt seeks the kindness which he fears.

WHen sad Verona saw in Gartha's shape
Departed Peace brought back, the Court they prais'd;
And seem'd so joy'd as Cities which escape
A Siege, even by their own brave Sallys rais'd.

And Hermegild, to make her triumph long,
Through all the streets his Chariot slowly drove;
Whilst she endures the kindness of the Throng,
Though rude, as was their rage, is now their love.

On Hermegild (so longingly desir'd
From Hubert's Camp) with Childish Eyes they gaze;
They worship now, what late they but admir'd,
And all his Arts to mightie Magick raise.
