Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/253

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an Heroick Poem.
Ere this dark lesson she was clearer taught,
His enter'd Slaves place at her rev'renc'd Feet
A spacious Cabinet, with all things fraught,
Which seem'd for wearing artfull, rich, and sweet.

With leisurely delight, she by degrees
Lifts ev'ry Till, does ev'ry Drawer draw,
But nought which to her Sex belongs she sees;
And for the Male all nice adornments saw.

This seem'd to breed some strangeness in her Eyes,
Which like a wanton wonder there began;
But straight she in the lower Closet spies
Th'accomplish'd dress, and Garments of a Man.

Then starting, she her Hand shrunk nicely back,
As if she had been stung; or that she fear'd
This Garment was the skin of that old Snake,
Which at the fatal Tree like Man appear'd.

Th'ambitious Maid at scornfull distance stood,
And bravely seem'd of Love's low vices free;
Though vicious in her mind, not in her blood:
Ambition is the Minds immodestie!

He knew great minds disorder'd by mistake,
Defend through pride, the errours they repent;
And with a Lovers fearfulness he spake
Thus humbly, that extreams he might prevent.

How ill (delightfull Maid!) shall I deserve
My Life's last flame, fed by your beauty's fire,
If I shall vex your virtues, that preserve
Others weak virtues, which would else expire.
