Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/263

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an Heroick Poem.
Nor all those fears which ev'ry Maid has found,
On whose first Guards, Love by surprises steals,
(Whose sightless Arrow makes a cureless wound)
Are like to this which doubtfull Birtha feels.

He from his looks wild wonder strives to chace;
Strives more to teach his Manhood to resist
Death in her Eyes, and then with all the grace
Of seeming pleasure, Orgo he dismist.

And Orgo being gone, low as her knees
Could fall, she fell; and soon he bends as low
With weight of heart; griev'd that no Grave he sees,
To sink, where love no more can sorrow know.

Her sighs as show'rs lay winds, are calm'd with tears;
And parting life seems stay'd awhile to take
A civil leave, whilst her pale visage wears
A clearie Skie, and thus she weeping spake.

Since such a Prince has forfeited his pow'r,
Heav'n give me leave to make my dutie less,
Let me my vows, as sudden oaths abhor,
Which did my passion, not my truth express.

Yet yours I would not think were counterfeit,
But rather ill and rashly understood;
For 'tis impossible I can forget
So soon, that once you fatally were good.

Though cruel now as Beasts where they have pow'r;
Chusing, like them to make the weakest bleed;
For weakness soon invites you to devour,
And a submission gives you ease to feed.
