Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/265

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an Heroick Poem.
Thus spake he, but his mourning looks did more
Attest his grief, and fear does hers renew;
Now losing (were he lost) more than before,
For then she fear'd him false, now thinks him true.

As sick Physicians seldom their own Art
Dare trust to cure their own disease; so these
Were to themselves quite useless, when apart;
Yet by consult, each can the other ease.

But from themselves they now diverted stood;
For Orgo's News (which need not borrow wings,
Since Orgo for his Lord believ'd it good)
To Astragon the joyfull Houshold brings.

But Astragon, with a judicious thought,
This days glad news took in the dire portent;
A day, which mourning Nights to Birtha brought;
And with that fear in search of Birtha went.

And here he finds her in her Lovers Eyes,
And him in hers; both more afflicted grown
At his approach; for each his sorrow spies;
Who thus would counsel theirs, and hide his own.

Though much this fatal joy to anger moves,
Yet reason's aids shall anger's force subdue;
I will not chide you for your hasty Loves,
Nor ever doubt (great Prince) that yours is true.

In chiding Love, because he hasty was,
Or urging errours, which his swiftness brings,
I find effects, but dare not tax the cause;
For Poets were inspir'd, who gave him wings.
