Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/269

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an Heroick Poem.
Let us with secrecy our love protect;
Hiding such precious wealth from publick view;
The proffer'd glory I will first suspect
As false, and shun it when I find it true.

They now retire, because they Goltho saw,
Who hither came to watch with Ulfinore
If much the Duke's woo'd Mistress did him aw;
Since love woo'd him, and in the shape of Pow'r.

But when he mark'd that he did from them move
With sudden shyness, he suppos'd it shame
Of being seen in chase of Birtha's love;
As if above it grown since Orgo came.

Goltho by nature was of Musick made,
Chearfull as Victors warm in their success;
He seem'd like Birds created to be glad,
And nought but love could make him taste distress.

Hope, which our cautious Age scarce entertains,
Or as a Flatt'rer gives her cold respect,
He runs to meet, invites her, and complains
Of one hours absence as a years neglect.

Hope, the world's welcome, and his standing Guest,
Fed by the Rich, but feasted by the Poor;
Hope, that did come in triumph to his breast,
He thus presents in boast to Ulfinore.

Well may I (Friend) auspicious Love adore,
Seeing my mighty Rival takes no pride
To be with Birtha seen; and he before
(Thou knowst) enjoyn'd that I his love should hide.

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