Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/275

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an Heroick Poem.
Confess, that reading me she learnt to Love;
That all the good behaviour of her heart,
Even tow'rds thy self, my doctrine did improve;
Where Love by Nature is forewarn'd of Art.

She will confess, that to her Maiden state
This Storie shew'd such Patterns of great Life,
As though she then could those but imitate,
They an Example make her now a Wife.

And thy lif's fire could she a while out-live
(Which were, though lawfull, neither kind nor good)
Then, even her sorrows would examples give;
And shine to others through dark widowhood.

And she will boast, how spite of Cynick Age,
Of bus'ness, which does Pow'r uncivil make,
Of ruder Cells, where they Love's Fire asswage
By studying Death, and Fear for Virtue take:

And spite of Courts (where loving now is made
An Art, as dying is in Cells) my Laws
Did teach her how by Nature to perswade,
And hold by virtue whom her beautie draws.

Thus when by knowing me, thou know'st to whom
Love ows his Eyes, who has too long been blind▪
Then in the Temple leave my Bodies Tomb,
To seek this Book, the Mon'ment of my Mind.

Where thou may'st read; who with impatient Eyes
For Orgo on the guilded Tarras stay;
Which high, and golden shews, and open lies,
As the Morn's Window when she lets out Day.
