Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/280

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The objects past, out-sigh'd ev'n those that woo;
And strait her Mistris at the Window mist;
Then finding her in grief, out-sigh'd her too;
And her fair Hands with parting passion kist:

Did with a Servants usual art profess
That all she saw was, to her beauty, black;
Confess'd their Maids well bred, and knew to dress,
But said those Courts are poor which painting lack.

Thy praise (said Birtha) poyson'd is with spite;
May blisters seiz on thy uncivil Tongue,
Which strives so wickedly to do me right,
By doing Rhodalind and Orna wrong.

False Fame, thy Mistris tutor'd thee amiss;
Who teaches School in streets, where Crowds resort;
Fame, false, as that their beauty painted is;
The common Country slander on the Court.

With this rebuke, Thula takes gravely leave;
Pretends she'll better judge ere they be gon;
At least see more, though they her sight deceive;
Whilst Birtha finds wilde Fear feeds best alone.

Ulfin receives, and through Art's Palace guides
The King; who owns him with familiar grace;
Though Twice seven Years from first observance hides
Those Marks of valour which adorn'd his Face.

Then Astragon with hasty homage bows:
And says, when thus his Beams he does dispence
In lowly visits, like the Sun he shows
Kings made for universal influence.
