Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/287

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an Heroick Poem.
And now cold Birtha's rosie looks decay;
Who in Fear's Frost had like her beauty dy'd,
But that Attendant Hope perswades her stay
A while, to hear her Duke, who thus reply'd:

Victorious King! Abroad your Subjects are
Like Legats safe, at home like Altars free!
Ev'n by your fame they conquer as by war;
And by your Laws safe from each other be.

A King you are ore Subjects, so as wise
And noble Husbands seem ore Loyal Wives;
Who claim not, yet confess their liberties,
And brag to strangers of their happy lives.

To Foes a winter storm; whilst your Friends bow
Like Summer Trees, beneath your bounty's load;
To me (next him whom your great self, with low
And chearfull duty serves) a giving God.

Since this is you, and Rhodalind (the Light
By which her Sex fled virtue find) is yours;
Your Diamond, which tests of jealous sight,
The stroke, and fire, and Oisel's juice endures;

Since she so precious is, I shall appear
All counterfeit, of Art's disguises made;
And never dare approach her Lustre near;
Who can scarce hold my value in the shade.

Forgive me that I am not what I seem;
But falsly have dissembled an excess
Of all such virtues as you most esteem;
And now grow good but as I ills confess.
