Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/289

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an Heroick Poem.
Thus (Princess) you should chuse, and you will find,
Even he, since Men are Wolves, must civilize
(As light does tame some Beasts of savage kind)
Himself yet more, by dwelling in your Eyes.

Such was the Duk's reply, which did produce
Thoughts of a divers shape through sev'ral Ears:
His jealous Rivals mourn at his excuse;
But Astragon it cures of all his fears.

Birtha his praise of Rhodalind bewails;
And now her hope a weak Physician seems,
For Hope, the common Comforter prevails
Like common Med'cines, slowly in extreams.

The King (secure in off'rd Empire) takes
This forc'd excuse, as troubled bashfulness,
And a disguise which suddain passion makes,
To hide more joy than prudence should express.

And Rhodalind (who never lov'd before,
Nor could suspect his love was giv'n away)
Thought not the treasure of his Breast so poor,
But that it might his debts of honour pay.

To hasten the rewards of his desert,
The King does to Verona him command;
And kindness so impos'd, not all his Art
Can now instruct his dutie to withstand.

Yet whilst the King does now his time dispose
In seeing wonders, in this Palace shown,
He would a parting kindness pay to those
Who of their wounds are yet not perfect grown.
