Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/293

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an Heroick Poem.
For though but Twice he has approach'd my sight,
He Twice made haste to drown me in my Tears:
But now I am above his Planets spite,
And as for sin beg pardon for my fears.

Thus spake she; and with fix'd continu'd sight,
The Duke did all her bashfull beauties view;
Then they with kisses seal'd their sacred plight;
Like Flowr's still sweeter as they thicker grew.

Yet must these pleasures feel, though innocent,
The sickness of extreams, and cannot last;
For Pow'r (Love's shun'd Impediment) has sent
To tell the Duke, his Monarch is in hast:

And calls him to that triumph which he fears
So as a Saint forgiven (whose Breast does all
Heav'n's joys contain) wisely lov'd Pomp for bears,
Lest tempted Nature should from blessings fall.

He often takes his leave, with Love's delay;
And bids her hope, he with the King shall find,
By now appearing forward to obay,
A means to serve him less in Rhodalind.

She weeping to her Closet-window hies;
Where she with tears does Rhodalind survay;
As dying Men, who grieve that they have Eyes,
When they through Curtains spie the rising Day.

The King has now his curious sight suffic'd
With all lost Arts, in their revival view'd;
Which when restor'd, our pride thinks new devis'd:
Fashions of Minds, call'd new when but renew'd!