Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/295

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an Heroick Poem.
And Laura (of her own high beautie proud,
Yet not to others cruel) softly prays
She may appear! but Gartha, bold, and loud,
With Eyes impatient as for conquest, stays.

Though Astragon now owns her, and excus'd
Her presence, as a Maid but rudely taught,
Infirm in health, and not to greatness us'd;
Yet Gartha still calls out to have her brought!

But Rhodalind (in whose relenting Breast
Compassion's self might sit at School, and learn)
Knew bashfull Maids with publick view distrest;
And in their Glass, themselves with fear discern;

She stopt this Challenge which Court Beautie made
To Countrey shape, not knowing Nature's hand
Had Birtha dress'd, nor that her self obay'd
In vain, whom conqu'ring Birtha did command.

The Duke (whom virtuous kindness soon subdues)
Though him his Bonds from Birtha highly please,
Yet seems to think, that luckie he, who sues
To wear this royal Maid's, will walk at ease.

Of these a brief survey sad Birtha takes;
And Orgo's help directs her Eye to all;
Shews her for whom grave Tybalt nightly wakes;
Then at whose feet wise Hermegild does fall.

And when calm Orna with the Count she saw,
Hope (who though weak, a willing Painter is,
And busily does ev'ry Pattern draw)
By that example could not work amiss.
