Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/304

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How firm was Faith, when humbly Sutes for need,
Not choice were made? then (free from all despair
As mod'rate Birds, who sing for daily seed)
Like Birds, our Songs of praise included pray'r.

Thy Hopes are by thy Rivals virtue aw'd;
Thy Rival Rhodalind, whose virtue shines
On Hills, when brightest Planets are abroad;
Thine privately, like Miners Lamps, in Mines.

The Court (where single Patterns are disgrac'd;
Where glorious Vice, our weaker Eyes admire;
And Virtue's plainness is by Art out-fac'd)
She makes a Temple by her Vestal Fire.

Though there, Vice sweetly dress'd, does tempt like bliss
Even Cautious Saints; and single Virtue seem
Fantastick, where brave Vice in fashion is;
Yet she has brought plain Virtue in esteem.

Yours is a virtue of inferiour rate,
Herein the dark a Pattern, where 'tis barr'd
From all your Sex that should her imitate,
And of that pomp which should her Foes reward:

Retir'd, as weak Monasticks flie from care;
Or devout Cowards steal to Forts, their Cells,
From pleasures, which the worlds chief dangers are:
Hers passes yours, as Valour Fear excels.

This is your Rival in your suit to Heav'n:
But Heav'n is partial if it give to you
What to her bolder Virtue should be giv'n;
Since yours, pomps, Virtue's dangers, never knew.
