Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/313

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an Heroick Poem.
These precepts Ulfinore, with duteous care,
In his Hearts Closet lock'd, his faithfull Brest!
And now the Rival-friends for Court prepare;
And much their Youth, is by their haste exprest.

They yet ne'r saw Verona, nor the Court;
And expectation lengthens much their way;
Since by that great Inviter urg'd, Report;
And thither flie on Coursers of Relay.

Ere to his Western Mines the Sun retir'd,
They his great Mint for all those Mines behold,
Verona, which in Tow'rs to Heav'n aspir'd,
Guilt doubly, for the Sun now guilt their gold.

They make their Entry through the Western Gate!
A Gothick Arch! Where, on an Elephant
Bold Clephes, as the second Founder, sate;
Made to mock life, and onely life did want.

Still strange, and divers seem their Objects now,
And still increase, where e're their Eyes they cast;
Of lazy Pag'ant-Greatness, moving slow,
And angry bus'ness, rushing on in haste.

All strange to them, as they to all appear;
Yet less like strangers gaz'd than those they see;
Who this glad Day the Duke's Spectatours were;
To mark how with his fame his looks agree.

And guess that these are of his fighting Train,
Renown'd in Youth: who by their wonder stay'd,
And by their own, but slowly passage gain;
  But now much more their progress is delay'd:
