Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/317

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an Heroick Poem.
She casts on Ulfinore a sudden look,
Starts like a Mountebank, who had forgot
His Viol, and the cursed poison took,
By dire mistake before his Antidote.

Pray'd Goltho that his friend may straight forbear
Her presence, whom (she said) resembled so
Her noble Brother's cruel Murtherer,
As she must now expire, unless he go.

Goltho still gravely vain, with formal Face
Bids Ulfinore retire, and does pretend
Almost to know her Parents, and the place,
And ev'n to swear her brother was his friend.

But warie Ulfinore (who beauteous Truth
Did never but in plainest Dress behold)
Smiles, and remembers Tales to forward Youth
In winter Nights by Countrey Matrons told:

Of Witches Towns, where seeming Beauties dwell,
All hair, and black within, Maids that can flie:
Whose Palaces at night are smoaky Hell,
And in their beds their slaughter'd Lovers lie.

And though the Sun now setting, he no Lights
Saw burning blue, nor Steam of Sulphur smelt,
Nor took her two black Mereon Maids for Sp'rites,
Yet he a secret touch of Honour felt.

For not the craft of Rivalship (though more
Than States wise Rivals study interest)
Can make him leave his friend, till he restore
Some cold Discretion to his burning breast.
