Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/320

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He seem'd the heir to prosp'rous Parents toyls,
Gay as young Kings, who sue in forreign Courts,
Or youthfull Victors in their Persian spoyls,
He seem'd like Love and Musick made for sports:

But wore his clothing loose, and wildly cast,
As Princes high with feasting, who to win
Are seldom us'd, shew'd warm, and more unbrac'd
Than Ravishers oppos'd in their design.

This Ulfinore observ'd, and would not yet
In civil pitie undeceive his friend;
But watch the signs of his departing fit,
Which quickly did in bashfull silence end.

To the Duke's palace they enquir'd the way,
And as they slowly rode, a grave excuse
Griev'd Goltho frames, vowing he made this stay,
For a discov'ry of important use.

If Sir (said he) we heedlesly pass by
Great Towns, like Birds that from the Countrey come
But to be skar'd, and on to Forrests flie;
Let's be no travell'd Fools, but roost at home.

I see (reply'd his friend) you nothing lack
Of what is painfull, curious, and discreet
In Travellers, else would you not look back
So often to observe this House and Street.

Drawing your Citie Map with Coasters care,
Not onely marking where safe Channels run,
But where the Shelves, and Rocks, and Dangers are,
To teach weak strangers what they ought to shun.
