Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/63

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The Answer to the Preface.

Citie, and Countrey, correspondent in some proportion, to those three Regions of the World. For there is in Princes, and men of conspicuous power (anciently call'd Heroes) a lustre and influence upon the rest of men, resembling that of the Heavens, and an insincereness, inconstancie, and troublesom humour of those that dwell in populous Cities, like the mobilitie, blustering, and impuritie of the Air; and a plainness, and (though dul) yet a nutritive facultie in rural people, that endures a comparison with the Earth they labour.

From hence have proceeded three sorts of Poesie, Heroique, Scommatique, and Pastoral. Every one of these is distinguished again in the manner of Representation, which sometimes is Narrative, wherein the Poet himself relateth; and sometimes Dramatique, as when the persons are every one adorned and brought upon the Theatre, to speak and act their own parts. There is therefore neither more nor less than six sorts of Poesie. For the Heroique Poem Narrative (such as is yours) is call'd Epique Poem; The Heroique Poem Dramatique, is Tragedie. The Scommatique Narrative, is Satyre; Dramatique is Comedie. The Pastoral Narrative, is called simply Pastoral (anciently Bucolique) the same Dramatique, Pastoral Comedie. The Figure therefore of an Epique Poem, and of a Tragedie, ought to be the same, for they differ no more but in that they are pronounced by one, or many persons. Which I insert to iustifie the figure of yours, consisting of five books divided into Songs, or Cantoes, as five Acts divided into Scenes has ever been the approved figure of a Tragedie.

They that take for Poesie whatsoever is writ in Verse, will think this Division imperfect, and call in Sonets, Epigrams; Eclogues, and the like pieces (which are but Essayes, and parts of an entire Poem) and reckon Empedocles and Lucretius (natural Philosophers) for Poets, and the moral precepts of Phocylides Theognis, and the Quatrains of Pybrach, and the Historie of Lucan, and others of that kind amongst Poems; bestowing on such Writers for honour,the