Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/79

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The First Book.

CANTO the First.

The Argument.

Old Aribert's great race, and greater mind
Is sung, with the renown of Rhodalind.
Prince Oswald is compar'd to Gondibert,
And justly each distinguish'd by desert:
Whose Armies are in Fame's fair Field drawn forth,
To shew by discipline their Leaders worth.

OF all the Lombards, by their Trophies known,
Who sought Fame soon, and had her favour long,
King Aribert best seem'd to fill the Throne;
And bred most bus'ness for Heroick Song.

From early Childhoods promising estate,
Up to performing Manhood, till he grew
To failing Age, he Agent was to Fate,
And did to Nations Peace or War renew.

War was his studi'd Art; War, which the bad
Condemn, because even then it does them aw
When with their number lin'd, and purple clad,
And to the good more needfull is than Law.
