Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/92

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Count Hurgonil, a Youth of high descent,
Was listed here, and in the Story great;
He follow'd Honour when tow'rd's Death it went;
Fierce in a charge but temp'rate in retreat.

His wondrous beauty which the world approv'd
He blushing hid, and now no more would own
(Since he the Dukes unequal'd Sister lov'd)
Than an old wreath when newly overthrown.

And she, Orna the shy! Did seem in life
So bashfull too to have her beauty shown,
As I may doubt her shade with Fame at strife,
That in these vicious times would make it known.

Not less in publick voice was Arnold here;
He that on Tuscan Tombs his Trophies rais'd;
And now loves pow'r so willingly did bear,
That even his arbitrary reign he prais'd.

Laura, the Duke's fair Niece inthrall'd his heart;
Who was in Court the publick morning Glass
Where those who would reduce Nature to art,
Practis'd by dress the conquests of the Face.

And here was Hugo whom Duke Gondibert
For stout and stedfast kindness did approve;
Of stature small, but was all over heart,
And though unhappy all that heart was love.

In gentle sonnets he for Laura pin'd;
Soft as the murmures of a weeping spring;
Which ruthless she did as those murmures mind:
So ere their death sick Swans unheeded sing.
