Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/94

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From Goltho, to whom Love yet tasteless seem'd,
We to ripe Tybalt are by order led;
Tybalt, who Love and Valour both esteem'd,
And he alike from eithers wounds had bled.

Publick his valour was, but not his love,
One fill'd the world, the other he contain'd;
Yet quietly alike in both did move,
Of that ne'r boasted, nor of this complain'd.

With these (whose special names Verse shall preserve)
Many to this recorded hunting came;
Whose worth authentick mention did deserve,
But from Time's deluge few are sav'd by Fame.

Now like a Giant Lover rose the Sun
From th'Ocean Queen, fine in his fires and great;
Seem'd all the Morn for shew, for strength at Noon;
As if last Night she had not quench'd his heat!

And the Sun's Servants who his rising wait,
His Pensioners (for so all Lovers are,
And all maintain'd by him at a high rate
With daily Fire) now for the Chace prepare.

All were like Hunters clad in chearfull green,
Young Natures Livery, and each at strife
Who most adorn'd in favours should be seen,
Wrought kindly by the Lady of his life.

These Martial Favours on their Wasts they wear,
On which (for now they Conquest celebrate)
In an imbroider'd History appear
Like life, the vanquish'd in their fears and fate.
