Page:Good Friday Exeter Book.djvu/19

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Good Friday

Then is repeated Faithful Cross, as far as Sweetest wood.

God in pity saw man fallen,
Shamed and sunk in misery,
When he fell on death by tasting
Fruit of the forbidden tree;
Then another tree was chosen
Which the world from death should free.

Repeat: Sweetest wood.

Thus the scheme of our salvation
Was of old in order laid,
That the manifold deceiver's
Art by art might be outweighed,
And the lure the foe put forward
Into means of healing made.

Repeat: Faithful Cross.

Therefore when the appointed fullness
Of the holy time was come,
He was sent, who maketh all things,
Forth from God's eternal home;
Thus he came to earth, incarnate,
Offspring of a maiden's womb.

Repeat: Sweetest wood.

Lo! He lies an infant weeping,
Where the narrow manger stands,
While the Mother-maid his members
Wraps in mean and lowly bands;
And the swaddling clothes is winding
Round his helpless feet and hands.

Repeat: Faithful Cross.

Thirty years among us dwelling,
His appointed time fulfilled,
Born for this, he meets his Passion,
For that this he freely willed.
On the Cross the Lamb is lifted
Where his life-blood shall be spilled.