Page:Good Friday Exeter Book.djvu/21

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Good Friday

and carries it back to the Altar. Afterwards a Procession is made to the place where the Sacrament was laid yesterday. The Subdeacon goes first bearing the Cross between two Acolytes with lighted candles, and then the Clergy in due order, and last the Priest with the Ministers. When they have come to the place of the Sacrament, torches are lighted which shall not be extinguished until the Sacrament shall have been consumed. The Priest kneels before the Sacrament and prays awhile: in the meantime the Deacon opens the casket in which the Body of the Lord lies hidden: and afterward the Priest, rising, puts incense into two censers without any blessing, and the Deacon presents to him the boat. Then he kneels and censes the Sacrament. And the Deacon, taking the chalice with the Sacrament out of the casket, gives it into the hands of the Priest, and covers it with the ends of the veil which is about his shoulders, and they go back in the same order as they came: and a canopy is carried over the Sacrament, and the two Acolytes with censers continually cense it: meanwhile is sung the hymn The royal banners forward go.

When the Priest has come to the Altar, he places the chalice upon it, and kneeling again censes the Sacrament: then going up to the Altar he places the Host from the chalice on the paten, which the Deacon holds: and again taking the paten from the Deacon lays the Host upon the corporal, saying nothing. If he should have touched the Sacrament he washes his fingers in a vase. Meanwhile the Deacon puts wine into the chalice, and the Subdeacon water, which the Priest does not bless, nor say over it the usual prayer: taking the chalice from the Deacon, he sets it on the Altar, saying nothing: and the Deacon covers it with the pall: then he sets incense in the censer without blessing it, and censes the oblations and the Altar in the usual manner,