Page:Good Friday Exeter Book.djvu/25

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The Society of SS. Peter and Paul in printing this latest series of diocesan booklets, hopes to prepare the way for the production of an English Missal which will be generally accepted by all who care for sound liturgical principles. Eventually it is hoped to print both a Missal for the Altar and another for the Laity in suitable sizes, but containing the same matter. The cost of such productions will considerably exceed £1,000. It is vital, therefore, that what is finally printed should prove generally acceptable. The Exeter series is produced for practical use, and to show what can be done. They can be freely criticized and altered before taking permanent shape. Some of them, notably those for Holy Week, are palpably tentative, and issued to meet the present stage of development in our liturgical worship.

The Society issues these booklets, not as perfect or final efforts, but in the hope of leading to that end. It is claimed that the English is the English of the Book of Common Prayer, and the rights of these translations are strictly reserved. It is hoped that the liturgical principles upon which the rites are based will prove sound. Criticism will be welcomed.

Any special Masses or series of Masses can be produced in the same style at request, and the Society confidently expects a welcome to these books, and will be most grateful for donations made towards the cost of their continued issue.

The Society of SS. Peter and Paul Limited.