Page:Good Newes from New England.djvu/9

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FROM New England:


A true Relation of things very re-
markable at the Plantation of Plimoth
in Nevv - England

Showing the wondrous providence and good-
nes of God, in their preſervation and continuance,
being delivered from many apparant
deaths and dangers.

Together with a Relation of ſuch religious and
civill Laws and Cuſtomes, as are in practiſe amongſt
the Indians, adjoyning to them at this day. As alſo
what Commodities are there to be rayſed for the
maintenance of that and other Planta-
tions in the ſaid Country.

Written by E.W. who hath borne a part in the
fore-named troubles, and there liued ſince
their firſt Arrivall.


Printed by I.D. for William Bladen and Iohn Bellamie, and
are to be ſold at their Shops, at the Bible in Pauls Church-

yard, and at the three Golden Lyons in Corn-hill,
neere the Royal Exchange. 1624.