Page:Good Samaritan Food Donation Act 2024.pdf/5

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NO. 26 OF 2024

possession or control of the food donor, the food donor informed the recipient of the food of that time limit; and
(d) the food donor, before donating the food, took all reasonably practicable measures to comply with any applicable requirement under any written law relating to food safety and food hygiene when handling the food.

(2) This section is additional to any other defence available to the defendant apart from this section.


5.—(1) Section 4 does not apply in relation to liability arising before the commencement of that section.

(2) This Act does not apply to—

(a) any exchanging or giving of food between individuals as part of a personal relationship; or
(b) any supply of food together with accommodation to an individual residing at a private residence in exchange for services or labour by the individual.