Page:Good Sports (1919).djvu/116

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"But I want to tell you!"

"And you shan't—you shan't tell me!"

"It's good for me to talk to you!"

"I don't care whether it is good for you or not!" she flung back, and got to her feet.


"I tell you that I don't want to hear unpleasant stories. I thought you understood I didn't. You've been clumsy," she accused, "awkward and clumsy! You've spoiled everything, and we were getting on beautifully!"

Her eyes were flaming, and Vincent thought he saw her chin wabble just a little as Barbara's used to when she tried to conquer tears. She controlled the chin however.

"I'm going," she announced flatly, and turned her back on Vincent.

"Please," he began, "just a minute—"

She literally ran away from him. Vincent was too surprised to move at first. He just stood and stared at her. She reminded him of some frightened mountain-animal in retreat as she bobbed over the uneven ground in her downward flight, and disappeared abruptly around the corner of a clump of cedars.

Amazing for her to act thus, in the midst of his trembling confession! Incomprehensible! Vincent wasn't sure that he liked it. By the time he