Page:Good Sports (1919).djvu/123

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terms Vincent had heard applied to Elizabeth by Barbara.

Vincent awaited Alice's entrance into the living-room, with the sudden realization that he hadn't decided what to say first. Just how was he going to explain his presence? After all, just why had he come? To steady himself, he rose from the chair he occupied and crossed the room to a desk by the window, and stood staring blankly before him at an array of photographs in silver frames upon its top.

Five minutes later when Alice came into the room she found Vincent Hollister gazing at one of the photographs with an expression that was anything but blank. He had picked it up, frame and all, and held it before him, in a hand which had become as cold as his face had hot.

"Hello, Vincent," Alice said.

He didn't stir. The truth was he didn't dare to raise his tell-tale eyes.

"Oh," she went on, approaching him, "you've found Elizabeth's picture. I put it there just this morning. I had to hide it, as I had to hide everything else about her when she was here, per the doctor's orders. Isn't it good for a post-card enlargement?"

"What does it mean?" Vincent managed to ask at last.