Page:Good Sports (1919).djvu/22

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enson? It might be managed. Her father never knew how she or her sisters spent the time when he was at his office. It flashed over Ada that if she was willing to humiliate herself to the extent of asking her tailor to send a bill for a suit she had never ordered, she might meet the expenses of tuition at Frye's Business College, as well as attend the course, without her father's knowledge. With the money she could earn, she could offer to herself resources for better things, now forbidden her.

But would she enjoy getting up every morning, rain or shine, however she felt, and going downtown into some noisy, stupid office, and working all day long? Would it not be wasted effort, when her father was more than able to provide her with the requisites for the nobler life, himself? If Marcus had been even a little lenient with her, indulged her in even a few of her desires, she might never have taken her leap, in spite of the illumined sign, nightly flashing its message.

When at last she did apply at Frye's Business College, it was more in a spirit of rebellion than for any exalted purpose of proving her capacity for suffering for her ideals.

Scarcely two weeks had passed after the cherished Stevenson had been returned, when Marcus