Page:Good Sports (1919).djvu/42

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afterward. In it she could feel her body thrill with vitality, as she swam, with strong and vigorous stroke through cold waters, or ran like an antelope over vast spaces, or performed with marvelous skill with tennis racket, golf club, paddle or oar. When the last doctor had said there was no reason why she might not some day partake of sports with other girls, it was, to her, promise of the fulfillment of her dream. She decided not to allow Nina's absence to rob her of the golden opportunity of joining a party of winter mountain-climbers. All winter she had been snow-shoeing an afternoon or so a week in preparation for this great event. She felt herself quite an adept at it. She had been taking skating lessons, too!

But after she closed her bedroom door that first night and locked it, she walked over to the bureau and stood gazing at herself in the mirror.

"Too bad!" she whispered. "Too bad!"

She had spent weeks in providing herself with proper sporting paraphernalia, her trunk was filled with outfits. She snatched off the offending pearls and cast them aside, then tossed her head defiantly.

"But I'll show them in the morning!" she exclaimed.

Ten minutes later the gray dress lay upon the