Page:Goody Two-Shoes (1881).djvu/191

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  1. An Eaſy Spelling Dcitionary for thoſe who would write correctly, 1s.
  2. A Pocket Dictionary for thoſe who would know the preciſe Meaning of all the Words in the Engliſh Language, 3s.
  3. A Compendius Hiſtory of England, 2s.
  4. The Preſent State of Great Britan,2s.
  5. A Little Book of Letters and Cards, to teach young Ladies and Gentlemen how to write to their Friends in a polite, eaſy and elegant Manoer, 1s.
  6. The Gentleman and Lady's Key to Polite Literature , or, A Compendius Dictionary of Fabulous Hiſtory, 2s.
  7. The News-Readers Pocket-Book: or, A Military Dictionary 2s.
  8. A Curious Collection of Voyages, ſelected from the Writers of all Nations, 10 Vol. Pe. bound 1l.
  9. A Curious Collection of Travels, ſelected from the Writers of all Nations, 10 Vol, Pr. bound 1l.
