Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/102

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XIX, 20]
Secundum Mattheum

hig sylfe belistnodon for heofena rīce. Undernyme, sē þe undernyman mæge.[1]

13. Þā wǣron him gebrōhte lȳtlingas tō þæt hē hys hand on hig āsette and hig geblētsode; þā þrēadon hys leorningcnihtas hig.[2]

14. Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Lǣtað þā lȳtlingas, and nelle gē hig forbēodan cuman tō me; swylcra ys heofena rīce.[3]

15. And þā hē him hys handa on āsette, þā fērde hē þanon.[4]

16. And þā genēalǣhte him ān mann tō, and cwæþ, Lā gōda Lārēow, hwæt gōdes dō ic þæt ic ēce līf hæbbe?[5]

17. Đā cwæþ hē, Hwæt āxast þū mē be gōde; ān God ys gōd; sōþlīce gyf þū wylt on līf becuman, heald þā beboda.[6]

18. Đā cwæþ hē, Hwylce? Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Ne dō þū mannslyht; Ne dō þū unrihthǣmed; Ne stel þū; Ne sege þū lēase gewittnysse;[7]

19. Wurða þīnne fæder and mōdor; and, Lufa þīnne nēhstan swā þē sylfne.[8]

20. Þā cwæð sē geonga, Eall þiss ic gehēold; hwæt ys mē gȳt wana?[9]

  1. B, heofona.
  2. A, brohte; A, gebletsade.
  3. A, nellon; A, hym (for hig); A, swylcera; B, heofona.
  4. A, þanen.
  5. A, B, man.
  6. A, acsast.
  7. A, manslyht; B, sæge; A, gewytnysse, B, gewitnysse.
  8. A, weorða; A, moder; A, swa swa.
  9. A, þys, B, þis.