Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/104

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XX, 3]
Secundum Mattheum

28. Đā cwæþ sē Hǣlend, Sōþ ic ēow secge þæt gē þe mē folgodon, on edcenninge þonne mannes Sunu sitt on hys mægenþrymme, þæt gē sittað ofer twelf setl, dēmende twelf mǣgða Israhel.[1]

29. And ǣlc þe forlǣt for mīnum naman hys hūs, oððe hys gebrōþru, oððe swustra, oþþe fæder, oþþe mōdor, oððe wīf, oþþe bearn, oððe land, be hundfealdon hē onfēhþ lēan, and hæfð ēce līf.[2]

30. Sōþlīce manega fyrmeste bēoð ȳtemeste, and ȳtemeste fyrmeste.[3]


Đys [godspel] sceal on þone sunnandæg þe man belȳcð alleluia.

1. Sōþlīce heofona rīce ys gelīc þām hīredes ealdre þe on ǣrne mergen ūt ēode āhȳrian wyrhtan on hys wīngeard.[4]

2. Gewordenre gecwydrǣdene þām wyrhtum [þæt] hē sealde ǣlcon ǣnne penig wiþ hys dæges worce, hē āsende hig on hys wīngeard.[5]

3. And þā hē ūt ēode embe underntīde, hē geseah ōþre on strǣte īdele standan.[6]

  1. A, syt (for sitt).
  2. A, moder; A, hundfealdum; B, onfehð (corrected from onfeht).
  3. A, ytemyste (twice).
  4. A, heofena; A, wyneard.
  5. A, gecwydrædenne; Corp., A, B, om. þæt; A, weorce; A, wyneard.
  6. A, ymbe.