Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/108

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XX, 31]
Secundum Mattheum

28. swā mannes Sunu ne cōm þæt him man þēnode, ac þæt hē þēnode, and sealde his sāwle līf tō ālȳsednesse for manegum.

Gē wilniað tō geþēonne on gehwǣdum þinge, and bēon gewanod on þām mǣstan þinge. Witodlīce þonne gē tō gerēorde gelaþode bēoð, ne sitte gē on þām fyrmestan setlum, þē læs þe ārwurðra wer æfter þē cume, and sē hūsbōnda hāte þē ārīsan and rȳman þām ōðron, and þū bēo gescynd; gyf þū sitst on gerēorde on þām ȳtemestan setle, and æfter þē cymþ ōþer gebēor, and sē laþigenda cweþe tō þe, Site innor, lēof, þonne byþ ðē ārwurðlīcor þonne þē man ūttor scufe.[1]

Đys [godspel] sceal on sæternesdæg on þǣre pentecostenes wucan tō þām ymbrene.

29. And þā hig fērdon fram Hiericho, him fyligde mycel menegu.[2]

30. And þā sǣton twēgen blinde wiþ ðone weg, and gehȳrdon þæt sē Hǣlend fērde; and þā clypodon hig tō him and cwǣdon, Drihten, gemiltsa unc, Dauides sunu.[3]

31. Đā bēad sēo menegu him þæt hig suwodon;[4]

  1. A, -nysse; A, gereordum; A, þy læs ðe; Corp., B, arwurðre, A, arwyrðra; A, husbunda; Corp. oðrum (-on above the line), A, oðrum, B, oþron.—A, laðienda; A, lyof; A, arweorðlycor; B, utor.
  2. A, iericho; A, mænigeo.
  3. A, clypedon.
  4. A, mænio; A, swigedon (for suwodon).