Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/111

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[XXI, 13—

13. and cwæþ tō him, Hyt ys āwriten, Mīn hūs ys gebedhūs; witodlīce gē worhtun þæt tō þēofa cote.[1]

14. Đā ēodan tō him þā blindan and þā healtan; and hē hī gehǣlde.[2]

15. Witodlīce þā ðāra sācerda ealdras and þā bōceras gesāwun þā wundru þe sē Hǣlend worhte, and gehȳrdon hū þā cild clypodun on þām temple and cwǣdon, Sȳ Dauides sunu hāl! ðā wǣron hig yrre,[3]

16. and cwǣdun, Gehȳrst þū hwæt þās cweðaþ? Þā cwæð hē, Witodlīce; ne rǣddon gē nǣfre, Þū fulfremedest lof of cilda and of sūcendra mūþe?[4]

17. And hē forlēt hī þā, and fērde of þǣre byrig tō Bethania, and lǣrde hī þār be Godes rīce.[5]

18. On morgen þā hē eft tō þǣre byrig fōr, þā hingrede hyne.[6]

19. And hē geseh ān fīctrēow wið þone weg; þā ēode hē tō him, and ne funde on him būton þā lēaf āne; ðā cwæð hē, Ne wurþe nǣfre wæstm of þē ācenned. Đā sōna forscranc þæt fīctrēow.[7]

20. And his leorningcnihtas wundrodon[8] and

  1. A, worhton.
  2. A, eodon.
  3. B, Witudlice; A, þæra; A, gesawon; A, clypedon, B, clypudun; B, cwædun; B, wærun.
  4. A, cwædon; Corp., cwæðaþ, A, B, cweþað; Corp., A, B, sacerda (for sucendra—Skeat).
  5. A, hig þær.
  6. A, mergen.
  7. B, læf; A, weorðe; Corp., weastm, A, B, wæstm.
  8. A, wundredon.