Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/118

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XXII, 24]
Secundum Mattheum

16. Þā sendon hī him hyra leorningcnihtas tō mid þām Herodianiscum, and þus cwǣdon, Lārēow, wē witon þæt þū eart sōðfæst, and þū lǣrst Godes weg mid sōðfæstnysse, and ðū ne wandest for nānon menn, nē þū ne bescēawast nānes mannes hād.[1]

17. Sege ūs, Hwæt þincð þē? ys hyt ālȳfed þæt man Cāsere gaful sylle, þe na?[2]

18. Þā sē Hǣlend hyra fācn gehȳrde, þā cwæð hē, Lā līcceteras, hwī fandige gē mīn?[3]

19. Ætȳwað mē þæs gafoles mynyt. Đā brōhton hī him ānne pening.[4]

20. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Hwæs anlīcnys ys þis and ðis ofergewrit?[5]

21. Hig cwǣdon, Þæs Cāsyres. Đā cwæð hē, Āgyfað þām Cāsere þā þing þe ðæs Cāsyres synt, and Gode þā ðing þe Godes synt.[6]

22. Þā hig þæt gehȳrdon, þā wundrodon hig, and forlēton hyne, and fērdon on weg.[7]

23. On þām dæge cōmon tō him Saducei, þā secgeað þæt nān ǣryst ne sȳ, and hig āxodon hyne,[8]

24. and cwǣdon, Lāreow, Moyses[9] sǣde gif

  1. B, herodianiscun; A, lærest; A, nanum men.
  2. B, sæge; B, casyre; A, gafol.
  3. B, hælynd; A, heora; A, B, lyceteras.
  4. Corp., B, ætgywað, A, ætywað; A, gafeles mynet; A, ænne; Corp., B, peninc, A, penig.
  5. A, hælynd.
  6. Corp., casyres (changed above the line into caserys), A, caseres, B, casyrys; B, casyre; A, caseres, B, casyrys; A, synd (twice); B, þinc (second time).
  7. A, wundredon.
  8. A, B, secgað; A, acsedon.
  9. B, moises.