Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/128

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XXIV, 16]
Secundum Mattheum

8. Ealle þās þing synt þǣra sāra anginnu.[1]

9. Ðonne syllað hī ēow on gedrēfednysse, and ofslēað ēow; and ealle menn ēow hatigeað for mīnum naman.[2]

10. And þonne bēoð manega ungetrȳwsode, and belǣwað betwyx him, and hatigað him betwȳnan.[3]

11. And manega lēase wītegan cumað, and beswīcað manega.

12. And for þām þe unryhtwīsnys rīxað, manegra lufu ācōlaþ.[4]

13. Witodlīce sē þe þurhwunað oð ende sē byþ hāl.[5]

14. And þis godspel byþ bodod ofer ealle eorþan on gewittnysse eallum þēodum; and þonne cymð sēo geendung.[6]

15. Ðonne gē gesēoð þā onsceonunge þǣre tōworpennysse þe sē wītega gecwæð, Daniel, þā hē stōd on hāligre stōwe,—ongyte sē ðe hit rǣt,—[7]

16. Flēon þonne tō muntum, þā þe on Iudea lande synt.[8]

  1. B, ðinc; A, synd; A, angin.
  2. A, men; A, hatiað, B, hategeað; B, minun.
  3. A, ungetreowsade, B, geuntrysude; A, betweox; A, hatiað.
  4. A, rycsað.
  5. B, Witudlice; B, ot (changed into oð)
  6. A, gewytnysse, B, gewitnysse; B, eallun þeodun.
  7. A, onscununge; B, toworþonnysse; B, wityga; A, þa he stod (standan above these words); B, halire.
  8. B, muntun; A, synd.