Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/134

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XXV, 13]
Secundum Mattheum

6. Witodlīce tō middyre nihte man hrȳmde and cwæþ, Nū sē brȳdguma cymð; farað him tōgēnys.[1]

7. Þā āryson ealle þā fǣmnan, and glengdon heora lēohtfatu.[2]

8. Đā cwǣdon þā dysegan tō þām wīsum, Syllaþ ūs of ēowrum ele; for þām ūre lēohtfatu synt ācwencte.[3]

9. Đā andswarudun þā glēawan and cwǣdun, Nese, þē lǣs þe wē and gē nabbon genōh; gāþ tō þām cȳpendum, and bycgað ēow ele.[4]

10. Witodlīce þā hig fērdun and woldon bycgean, þā cōm sē brȳdguma; and þā ðe gearwe wǣrun ēodun in mid him tō þām gyftum; and sēo duru wæs belocyn.[5]

11. Đā æt nēhstan cōmon þā ōðre fǣmnan, and cwǣdun, Dryhtyn, Dryhtyn, lǣt ūs in.[6]

12. Đā andswarode hē heom and cwæð, Sōþ ic ēow secge, ne cann ic ēow.[7]

13. Witodlīce waciað, for þam ðe gē nyton nē þone dæg nē þā tīde.[8]

  1. B, Witudlice; A, myddre; A, togeanes.
  2. B, arysun; B, glencdon hyra.
  3. A, wysan, B, wisun; B, eoworun; A, synd.
  4. A, andswaredon; A, cwædon; A, þy læs þe; B, cypendun.
  5. B, Witudlice; A, ferdon; A, B, bycgan; B, gearuwe; A, eodon; B, gyftun; A, belocen.
  6. B, comun; B, oðore; A, cwædon; A, dryhten (twice).
  7. A, B, hym; B, sycge; A, B, can.
  8. B, witudlice wacigað; B, nytun.