Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/142

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XXVI, 26]
Secundum Mattheum

19. And þā leorningcnihtas dydon swā sē Hǣlynd heom bebēad; and hig gegearwodon him ēasterþēnunga.[1]

20. On þām ǣfene sæt sē Hǣlynd mid hys twelf leorningcnihtum æt gereorde.[2]

21. And þā hī ǣtun, hē cwæð tō him, Witodlīce ic secge ēow þæt ān ēower belǣwð mē.[3]

22. Đā wurdon hig swīþe geunrōtsode, and ongann ānra gehwylc cweðan, Drihtyn, cwyst þū eom ic hyt?[4]

23. And hē andswarode and þus cwæð, Sē þe bedȳpð on disce mid mē hys hand sē mē belǣwð.[5]

24. Witodlīce mannes Sunu færþ, swā hit āwriten ys be him; wā þām menn þurh þone þe byþ mannes Sunu belǣwed! betere wǣre þām menn þæt hē nǣfre nǣre ācenned.[6]

25. Þā cwæð Iudas þe hyne belǣwde, Cwyst þū, Lārēow, hwæðer ic hyt sī? Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Þū hyt sǣdest.[7]

26. Witodlīce þā hig ǣtun, sē Hǣlend nam hlāf, and hyne geblētsode, and bræc, and sealde hys leorningcnihtum, and cwæð, Onfōþ, and etað; þis ys mīn līchama.[8]

  1. A, hælend hym; A, -þenunge.
  2. A, hælend.
  3. A, æton; B, Witudlice; A, belæweð.
  4. A, B, ongan; A, dryhten.
  5. A, andswarede and he cw̄.; A, belæweð.
  6. A, B, men; A, men.
  7. B, Cwystu; B, hælynd.
  8. B, Witudlice; A, æton and se; A, bletsode; B, -cnihtun.