Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/68

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XII, 38]
Secundum Mattheum

gyfen, nē on þisse worulde nē on þǣre tōweardan.[1]

33. Oþþe wyrceað gōd trēow, and hys wæstm gōdne, oððe wyrceað yfel trēow, and hys wæstm yfelne; witodlīce be þām wæstme byð þæt trēow oncnāwen.[2]

34. Lā gē nǣddrena cynryn, hū magon gē gōd sprecan, þonne gē synt yfele? sōþlīce of pǣre heortan willan sē mūþ spicþ.[3]

35. Gōd mann sōþlīce of gōdum goldhorde bringþ gōd forð; and yfel mann of yfelum goldhorde bringð yfel forð.[4]

36. Sōþlīce ic secge ēow þæt ǣlc īdel word þe menn specað, hī āgyldaþ gescēad be þām on dōmes dæge.[5]

37. Sōþlīce of þīnum wordum þū byst gerihtwīsod, and of þīnum wordum þū byst genyðerod.

Ðys [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre forman lenctenwucan

38. Þā andswarodun hym sume þā bōceras and þā sundorhālgan þus cweþende, Lārēow, wē willaþ sum tācn of þē gesēon.[6]

  1. A, bissere.
  2. A, wircað; Corp., weastm, A, B, wæstm; A, godne his wæstm (changed order); Corp., weastmme, A, wæstme, B, wæstmme; B, oncnæwen.
  3. A, B, nedrena; A, cyn (for cynryn), B, cynnryn; A, synd; A, sprycð.
  4. A, man (twice).
  5. A, men; A, sprecað, B, sprecaþ (r above the line).
  6. A, andswaredon; A, sunder-; A, tacen.