Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/71

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[XIII, 2—

2. And mycle mænigeo wǣron gesamnode tō hym, swā þæt hē ēode on scyp, and þǣr sæt; and eall sēo mænigeo stōd on þām waroþe.[1]

3. And hē spræc tō hym fela on bigspellum, cweþende, Sōþlīce ūt ēode sē sǣdere hys sǣd tō sāwenne.[2]

4. And þā þā hē sēow, sume hig fēollon wiþ weg; and fuglas cōmun, and ǣton þā.[3]

5. Sōþlīce sume fēollon on stǣnihte, þǣr hyt næfde mycle eorþan; and hrædlīce ūp sprungon, for þām þe hig næfdon þǣre eorþan dȳpan.[4]

6. Sōþlīce ūp sprungenre sunnan, hig ādrūwudon; and forscruncon, for þām þe hig næfdon wyrtrum.[5]

7. Sōþlīce sume fēollon on þornas; and þā þornas wēoxon, and forþrysmudon þā.[6]

8. Sume sōþlīce fēollon on gōde eorþan, and sealdon wæstm, sum hundfealdne, sum sixtigfealdne, sum þrīttigfealdne.[7]

9. Sē þe hæbbe ēaran tō gehȳrenne, gehȳre.[8]

10. And þā genēalǣhton his leorningcnihtas, and

  1. A, mycele; A, mænio (twice); A, gesomnode.
  2. Corp., him to (marked for transposition); A, fæla; A, sawere (for sædere).
  3. B, feollun; A, fugelas comon.
  4. B, feollun; A, mycele.
  5. A, adruwedon, B, adruwodun; A, wyrtruman.
  6. B, feollun; A, forþrysmodon, B, forþrysmodun.
  7. B, feollun; A, godre; Corp., weastm, A, B, wæstm; Corp., sum (above the line; last two times); A, þrytig-.
  8. Corp., earan hæbbe (marked for transposition); A, gehyranne.