Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/93

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[XVII, 8—

8. Đā hig hyra ēagan ūpp hōfon, ne gesāwon hig nǣnne būton þone Hǣlend sylfne.[1]

9. And þā hig of ðām munte ēodon, sē Hǣlend hym bebēad and þus cwæþ, Nānum menn ne secgean gē þis, ǣr mannes Sunu of dēaþe ārīse.[2]

Đys [godspel] sceal on frīgedæg on þǣre fīftan wucan ofer pentecosten.

10. And þā āxodon hys leorningcnihtas hyne, Hwæt secgeað þā bōceras þæt gebyrige ǣrest cuman Heliam?[3]

11. Đā andswarode hē hym, Witodlīce Helias ys tōweard, and hē geednīwað ealle þing.[4]

12. Sōþlīce ic ēow secge þæt Helias cōm, and hig hyne ne gecnēowon; ac hig dydon ymbe hyne swā hwæt swā hig woldon. And swā ys mannes Sunu ēac fram him tō þrowigenne.[5]

13. Đā ongēton hys leorningcnihtas þæt hē hyt sǣde be Iohanne þām fulluhtere.[6]

Đys [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg tō þām fæstene ǣr hærfestes emnyhte.

14. And þā hē cōm tō þǣre menegu, him tō genēalǣhte sum mann, gebīgedum cnēowum tōforan him, and cwæþ,[7]

  1. A, heora; A, ahofon.
  2. A, men ge þys ne secgon (changed order), B, menn ge þis ne secgean (changed order).
  3. A, acsedon; A, secgad; A, eliam.
  4. A, elias.
  5. A, elias; A, þrowianne.
  6. A, ongeaton.
  7. A, mænigu; A, B, man.