Page:Graimear na Gaedhilge.djvu/11

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The Letters 1
Sounds of the Vowels 2
The Diphthongs 2
The Triphthongs 3
Consonants, Division of the 4
  „   Combination of the 6
Accent 6
 „  Words distinguished by 7
Obscure Sounds of the Vowels 7
Aspiration, Explanation of 9
  „   How marked 10
  „   Rules for 11
Eclipsis 13
 „  Rules for 15
  Insertion of n 16
     „  t 17
     „  h 18
Attenuation and Broadening 18
Caol le caol ⁊ leaṫan le leaṫan 19
Syncope, Explanation of 20
  „   Examples of 21
The Article 23
  „   Initial changes produced by 23
Gender, Rules for 26
Cases, Number of 28
 „  Rules for formation of the 28